
Microsoft 365

Microsoft Office 365 is a suite of cloud-based applications encompassing a range of productivity tools, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. It also includes business tools such as Skype for Business, which facilitates video conferencing betweenn clients and employees. Additionally, Microsoft Teams, a teamwork tool, allows collaboration through the sharing of files, calendars and team chats. 

IBSCY Ltd holds the status of a Gold Partner with Microsoft in Cyprus, qualifying the company to sell, install, and configure Microsoft products both locally and internationally. We offer a variety of Microsoft 365 packages tailored to meet diverse needs. 

 “Work anywhere, anytime, on any device. Microsoft 365 is ready when you are” - Microsoft.

Microsoft 365 functionality includes the following:

  • Share email folders, contacts, appointments and tasks with other colleagues.
  • Allow a replacement colleague to read your messages.
  • Delegate the management of your appointments (Calendar) and tasks to your secretary. 
  • Assign dedicated public folders or manage availability for shared resources through public calendar folders.
  • Team-mates can check your availability before requesting your attendance in a meeting by viewing your free / busy status.
  • Off-line work: Work using your Microsoft Outlook and when you connect to any network, all your emails, calendar, task and contacts will be synchronized.
  • Advanced folder search and filters.
  • Out of office assistant: Automatically reply to all your emails when you are out of the office with any message that you desire.
  • Gain instant access from anywhere in the world to email messages, contacts, calendars entries or tasks lists using the Web interface.  
  • Regardless of time and location, stay connected and organized using Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync® from your iOS and Android Mobile devices.
  • Antispam and antivirus for maximum security and better filtering of the spams that you receive. 
  • Weekly back-up from our staff to ensure that in case you lose anything, we will be able to restore it for you.

IBSCY Ltd offers a FREE trial for Microsoft 365.

Free Trial includes:

  • 25 user licenses Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Trial
  • Delegated administration

Contact us for a Microsoft 365 FREE trial.

Microsoft Office 365 offers numerous benefits:

Anywhere Access

Users can easily access files and applications from any device at any location. Microsoft 365 offers the capability to create, edit, and share documents in real-time form a preferred desktop browser. This accessibility ensures that users can efficiently manage their tasks from any location. 

Continuous Updates

Office 365 applications are automatically updated in the cloud, ensuring that the company always has access to the latest versions without requiring any intervention from the user. Microsoft 365 online updates are seamless and automatic. 


Office 365 provides a comprehensive array of tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals. As corporate requirements rapidly evolve, Microsoft 365 ensures that all necessary functionalities are readily available. 

Easy collaboration

Teams can collaborate effectively, even remotely, by utilizing muilti-party video meetings, sharing calendars and files, and engaging in team chats. In today's environment, collaboration is essential, which is precisely why Microsoft 365 was developed.