
Technology Audit

Many companies face common IT issues that result in lost time and productivity. A company's IT infrastructure requires continuous updates, re-evaluations, and optimisations. Regular checks and assessments of IT infrastructure are essential for maintaining efficiency and effectiveness in any organisation. 

IBSCY Ltd, along with its team of business consultants, provides comprehensive technology audits in Cyprus as part of our wide range of IT services. We thoroughly examine and evaluate your organisation's IT infrastructure and operations. Our experienced technology advisors then recommend optimal IT solutions tailored to your specific needs. 

How does Technology Audit in IBSCY work?

During the Strategic Technology Audit conducted by IBSCY, our team of certified engineers evaluates and benchmarks your current IT infrastructure against industry best practices. We then develop a customised technology solution precisely aligned with your business needs and requirements. 

This comprehensive technology audit allows to our clients to understand where their standards are met or exceeded, identify potential liabilities and threats, and pinpoint critical issues requiring resolution. IBSCY's detailed Strategic Technology Audit report, provides a clear depiction of your current IT status, along with recommendations for future steps and long-term solutions to optimise IT operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. 

Who needs a Technology Audit? 

Companies and organisations experiencing increased IT costs, instability, downtime, or rising operational expenses should consider contacting IBSCY Ltd for an information technology audit in Cyprus. Beyond addressing immediate warning signs of IT issues, businesses committed to ensure the long-term health and security of their technology infrastructure should prioritise a comprehensive Technology Audit. 

What Technology Audit might include:

In-depth overview of all IT systems and procedures

The IBSCY's team of IT consultants meticulously reviews the specifications of each server, PC, printer and electronic device within your company. A comprehensive list is compiled with detail specifications such as processor, RAM, hard disk, operating system, MS Office, and more. Subsequently, an assessment is made of the procedures followed by employees in their daily operations using these devices. This evaluation culminates in the identification of workflows, internal and external processes, data flow, and other pertinent outcomes. 

Network Infrastructure documentation

All network devices undergo thorough inspection, and a comprehensive diagram is furnished with full details such as their location, IP addresses, and other relevant details. This diagram enables you to assess your current network configuration, identifying any potential vulnerabilities or shortcomings and act accordingly.

Security review (including physical)

At this stage, it is imperative to conduct a thorough examination and documentation of the security measures implemented on your current network devices, including firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, anti-spam filters, password policies, user access levels on file servers, and the physical location of servers within the office premises. 

Storage and Disaster Recovery procedures review

The team will undertake a comprehensive review and provide guidance on existing or prospective disaster recovery and business continuity protocols. Additionally, they will analyse where users store their data, assess the folder structure, evaluate file naming conventions, determine user access permissions, and address any aspects related to data loss prevention. 

Applications overview

The application review procedure encompass an analysis of the applications utilised within the company, including their users, frequency of usage, access levels, data input methods, storage mechanisms, and related aspects. This examination will aid in the development of work and data flows by enhancing comprehension of the company's operational logic. For instance, it will shed light on processes such as client management, data retention practices, and interdepartmental data exchange. Similarly, it will delve into invoicing procedures, including the software employed, personnel responsible for invoice generation, and the information sourcing process for invoice content. 

Current Network Topology design

At this stage, a comprehensive diagram of the company's network will be generated encompassing servers, network equipment, printers, PCs, Wifi infrastructure, and other pertinent components. Using this diagram and discussing the conclusions comig out of the diagram, we will assist you follow the right strategy to correct and flaws or bad practises, if any.

Technology Road Map

A report will be provided, recommending the IT strategy based on the company's business requirements and expansion plans. Using the results of the previous parts of the report, we will be able to "put-on-paper" the technology road map of the company, to make sure that any possible investments in technology will be invested based on priority.

Risk Analysis

A comprehensive analysis will be conducted to identify all the risks associated with the company's IT infrastructure and procedures, along with recommendations on how to minimize these risks. Risks are seperated in priority and categorised to make sure that is clear how you proceed to the next steps.

Executive Health Report and recommendations

A detailed report will be provided, outlining the current status of all IT systems, procedures, and associated risks, along with our recommendations for improvement. The executive health summary is created for the management team and clearly states the health and recommendations in summary, in relation with the technology used in your company.